
Your leaders in Natural Therapies

Our team of experienced General Practitioners and doctors are dedicated to supporting you on your wellness journey.

Appointments with a general practitioner for in-person consultations or follow-up appointments for natural therapies are covered under Medicare and receive a partial rebate.

patient fees & medicare rebates

Medicare provides a partial rebate for in-clinic appointments, not telehealth (unless it is a follow-up and your first appointment was in-clinic). A rebate is available for eligible patients who have been seen face to face in the last 12 months in clinic.

ServicePatient Consult FeesPatient Fees
(after medicare rebate)
Medicare Rebate
In clinic appointments
Initial Consult$200$117.10$82.90
Follow up Consult$90$47.15$42.85
Smoking Cessation Initial consult$159$76.10$82.90
Smoking Cessation Follow Up Consult$90$47.15$42.85
Telehealth appointments
Initial ConsultIntroductory offer $29 ($79)$29n/a
Follow up Consult$59$59n/a
Follow up Consult if initial consult was in-clinic$59$16.15$42.85
Smoking Cessation Initial consult$79 (no rebate)$79n/a
Smoking Cessation Follow Up Consult if initial consult was in-clinic$59$42.85$16.15
Initial Consult with Dr Nicolas Giummarra Medical Director$200$200n/a
Follow up Consult with Dr Nicolas Giummarra Medical Director$90$90n/a

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